Real State Review

Challenge: Redesign the platform to make it more user-friendly, interactive and increase the quality of the reviews.

Year: 2017Role: Product Design, Branding, Illustration, UX/UI and Front End


This side project was launched in 2014 and it was completely redesigned, with new features, in 2016. Fully responsive and with a new design based on material design, in addition to properties, it is also possible to review condos, neighborhoods, cities and countries from any part of the world.

The registration flow was one of the most important issue. In the first version of the project, the user could only fill the review form after logging into the system, which resulted in many registrations but few reviews. In this second version, the process is transparent. The user can make reviews without registering. If you like the experience, you'll save the review - and sign up :)

UI Design

I decided to use the Material Design Lite framework for this project, so the user interface design was inspired by the Material Design concept and focused on mobile devices.

Gamification elements

I´ve created these badges to reward users every time they make a certain amount of points. The more items are rated and reviewed, the more points and better badges the user earns.

Selected Projects

Real State Review

Product Design · Branding · UX/UI · Front End